Latest Photo from E-Block - Halloween Room Raid

Monday, September 22, 2008

E-Chat Room

Do you realise there is a chat room widget at the end of this page?

It is our very own E block chat room!
Well, our blockhead Geri actually requested for a chat room instead of a chat box. So, what is the difference between a this chat room and normal chat box?

1. Chat room - We can see the online users of our chat room who have signed in (of course, before that, a person must register for an account in Chatroll, but it really does not matter if you don't mind appearing as a guest on the forum). Live conversations will be on the chat room!

2. Chat box - The function is like posting comments and it has minimum interaction between viewers of the blog.

This chat room is provided by Chatroll, which according to the website, it is the "fastest-growing
live forum community and
the best way to interact live!" (Click on the picture to open the chatroll homepage link)

Well, I have created our own forum in chatroll which is E Block.

Last but not least, please do not hesitate to create an account on chatroll and sign in to chatroll to start conversations between viewers of the blog (which are mostly our blockers)!

A journey of a thousand miles...

Does this part of the quote sound familiar to you?

Yes, it is quoted from a Chinese Philosopher, Lao Tzu.
"A journey of a thousand miles, starts with a single step."

*drum roll*

The new 08/09 E block's blog brought to you by the E Block Committee, your friendly neighbour!

So, sit back and enjoy!