The second season of E block supper has come to pass. For the approx. 50 of you who turned up, thanking you for supper-ing with us. Uh yes, the meal was prepared for the blockers and 'invaders', but do you know that some of the block comm members were already enjoying some of the dishes while preparing them? Actually we always do that, don't we? * grin… So for those who could not join us for whatever reason, you had missed out on some really great food! I heard someone say, "Hey, the Samosa's better than the restaurants'!" Indeed, the labour intensive job was proudly brought to you by Kai Lin (the one who came up with the recipe), Reuben, Jipson (who added too much salt initially which could make you "thirst to death", hehe), Zhuangli and myself. Kudos to the one who cooked the potato fillings! It was soooo awesome!! Believe me, I tried it and it was heavenly. And so I wouldn't be surprised if that was the most quickly whisked dish in a block supper ever! Oh then there was the potato salad which tasted as tantalizing... The fair trace of onions present in the dish truly spiced up the entire mouthful that I had gorged myself with. It tasted too good to be eaten any slower! The potatoes were well cooked and mashed (by Joanne and Geri), the ingredients were all in the right amounts… Oh boy, trust me, you can't ask for anything more in a simple dish like this salad. Extremely amazing. Did you guys notice some super brown-coloured waffles? Our very explorative Kok Pun added Milo powder into the waffle mix, which didn't give a very good texture to the waffles in the end. One of them even flowered like a butt- in Chinese we call it "pi gu kai hua"! But not all waffles turned out bad 'cause Fang Chee has a gift for making waffles… her first try was already perfect! And there were brownies in celebration of the birthdays for the October babies! I can remember vividly how Xiao Shuang and Nicholas were happily filling their tummies with their self-concocted invention of ice-cream cum brownies. They urged me to try it which I did after hesitation... …For those of you out there with a sweet tooth, this concoction is for you. Otherwise, don't try it! Watermelons, pasta and sugar-butter sandwiches were the additional dishes that we prepared… Thank you all block comm members (including those mentioned above, Lam, Ken Juin, Sien Long, Xifei ) who came down to whip up the wonderful treat for us all! With Love, Loraine (p.s. Thanks Loraine for this lovely post! ^^)
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
2nd Block Supper (21/10/08)
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Photos of E block activities
Whoever wants to view the photos of 1st and 2nd supper, click on the link above and browse and download etc etc..
Photos of future activities will be uploaded here too.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
E-Block viEEEEEEws
Presenting to you the different perspectives and views of and from E-Block!
Going up from the 1st floor you look up and see a multitude of steps...
This is the epitome of KE7 and E-Block, STAIRS!
Going up from the bus terminal to E8(300 steps?) is a minor miracle in itself...
Next we go to E3 and see a part of the hill where E-block sits on...
Not forgetting the landscaping that is done beneath E-block...
At E5 you will have a good view of Shepherd's Path.
Er, this was when the tree was being chopped...
Then, we arrive at E7 ,which looks down on from F till H-Block.
Yup, E-Block is the tallest block in KE7!
Even taller than PGP.
Lastly, E8!
Where the skies and seas are blue and the breeze is refreshing!
Enjoy the breathtaking view from there!
It's no wonder that the rooms here are the most coveted every year.
Some nightview shots. Not too clear, but have you seen these sights before?
If not, it's time to take a hike from E1 all the way to E8!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
The Level 1&2 Supper Outing
On the 15th of October, the L1&2 guys had a supper outing.
Zhong Yang, giving a serious political talk (looks like it)
(Zhong Yang is a new Yr5 medic senior)
Heng Wai, trying to digest.
(Pipetius, Jeryl, Shawn, Loke, Jelvin)
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Updates, and...
Hi guys! How was Formal Hall Dinner? (I know.. FHD was wayyyy back a long time ago -.-|||) (21 October 2008) More information on this event will be updated soon... ROOM RAID #2 Well, no information will be disclosed. A piece of advice - just [be prepared]. E - CHATROOM Just to remind you that we have a Chatroom at the bottom of this page. Use it! Or else, very boring leh! Please do not think that this blog is belonged to the Committee only... Blockers, start spamming the chatroom, PLEASE! (In other words, we need your support! =P) Besides that, we will be starting our weekly chat next week (24 October 2008). The time is 10pm-11pm (or anytime around this time range) on every Friday. Come and chat with us! Mai paiseh (meaning don't be shy)! Hope to see more liveliness in our blog! C'mon, E-block! DOOR TAGS Have you gotten your door tag? If yes, please make use of it! How to use it? It is very simple. Do you see the yellow strip which has 5 statuses on it? 'In' means you are in your room 'Out' means you are not in your room 'Bored' means you are bored 'Do not disturb' means you do not want to be disturb (and also you are in your room) 'BRB' means be right back (you are away for a while) Easy, right? E-nfo and Express Boards Do you notice that the notice boards at level 1 and level 4 have been revamped? Kudos to the E-block Pubs Team! For the E-nfo board, we have a special section for e-babies of the month. Well, a person only celebrates his/her birthday once a year. So, do not miss the chance to extend your birthday wishes to our blockers every month! Just grab a post-it (I am quite sure that many of us have post-its), write down your wishes, and just post them onto the board. Only 3 simple steps, just do it! For the Express board, we will be putting up notices and updating photos of previous events. Go and take a look. =) E-block T-shirt Just to update all of you that the E-block Pubs Team is working very hard on the t-shirt design. That's all for E-block's updates! Last but not least, E-blockers, say something! I feel as if I am talking to myself... T.T
Anyway, hope that those who had attended FHD enjoyed themselves. For those who could not make it to FHD, do not worry, there will be some exciting events coming up (yay!):